
38M OPD with chief complaint of left leg pain since 1 week

C/c Pt complains of left leg pain at the back side from mid thigh to mid calf since 1 week. Hopi The pain is gradually progressive in nature,started since 1 week, no aggrevating and relieving factors, pulling type of a pain associated with joint pain. No fever  No vomitings No H/O any trauma Past history : No H/O DM,Tb,thyroid, asthma,CAD No H/O surgeries Personal history : Sleep is deprived Pain affects the normal day to day activities Diet is mixed Appetite is adequate Bowel and bladder movements are normal No known allergies Family history : No significant history General examination : The patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative. No signs of any pallor, icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphedenopathies, pedal edema. Vitals : Bp:120/80 mm of Hg Pulse rate: 84 bpm RR: 14 cycles per min Temperature: afebrile On examination The patient was not able to flex his left leg completely Extension was normal On lifting his left leg the pain started at 30° and increased until 45°. The patient

54F came to the OPD with chief complaint of generalised body ache

C/c :  Pt came to OPD with chief complaints of generalised body pain Hopi :  Pain was insidious in onset and gradually progressive ,aggreviates on work and relieves on rest. She even complains of joint pains  H/O headache, fever,dizziness, blurring of vision and a significant amount of weight loss No H/O palpations,chest pain,vomitings Past history :  K/C/O DM for past 1 and 1/2 years and is on metformin 500 medication Not a K/C/O HTN, Thyroid, CAD, asthma Personal history Diet is mixed Appetite is lost Sleep is adequate Bowel n bladder movements are normal No known allergies No addictions No surgeries Family history:  No significant family history General examination: Patient was moderately built, weak , conscious No signs of pallor,icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphedenopathy,pedal edema No significant marka Bp:120/80mm of Hg RR: 12cycles per minute Pulse rate: 72bpm Temperature:afebrile Clinical images  :Pt didn't provide any consent Reports : Patient's fasting GRBS = 106mg